Telling Their Stories: Discrimination at the Doctor for Children with Disabilities

Описание к видео Telling Their Stories: Discrimination at the Doctor for Children with Disabilities

In this Complex Care Journal Club podcast episode, Dr. Stefanie Ames discusses a qualitative study that explores family experiences of discrimination in health care for children with medical complexity and disability. She describes the value of partnering with people with lived experience in research, implications for clinical practice, and important next steps from this work.

Stefanie Ames, MD, MS
Assistant Professor, Division of Critical Care
Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah School of Medicine

Kristina Malik, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Medical Director, KidStreet
Pediatrician, Special Care Clinic,
Children's Hospital Colorado

Initial publication: September 6, 2023

• Ames SG, Delaney RK, Houtrow AJ, et al. Perceived Disability-Based Discrimination in Health Care for Children With Medical Complexity. Pediatrics. 2023;152(1):e2022060975. doi:10.1542/peds.2022-060975

• Cook S, Mauskar S, Berry JG. Discriminating Against Children With Medical Complexity. Pediatrics. 2023 Jul 1;152(1):e2023061604. doi: 10.1542/peds.2023-061604. PMID: 37357723.
Marshall W. Improving care for CMC is also a systems issue. [Comment on the article "Perceived Disability-Based Discrimination in Health Care for Children With Medical Complexity"]. Pediatrics July 2023.


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This episode introduces the Complex Care Journal Club Podcast, a monthly series that discusses emerging evidence in the care of children with medical complexity with authors of recently published research and explores implications for clinical practice for the interprofessional care team.

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Ames SG, Malik K. Telling their Stories: Discrimination at the Doctor for Children with Disabilities. 09/2023. OPENPediatrics. Online Podcast.    • Telling Their Stories: Discrimination...  .


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