Philosophy of Strength ᛫ IT PAYS TO BE A WINNER ᛫ [Might is Right] Δlpha Affirmations

Описание к видео Philosophy of Strength ᛫ IT PAYS TO BE A WINNER ᛫ [Might is Right] Δlpha Affirmations

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Blessed are the Strong for we shall possess the earth.
Blessed are the Mighty, for we shall obtain great power.
Blessed are the Self-Disciplined, for we shall grow in power.
Blessed are the Honorable, for we demonstrate solar virtue.
Blessed are the Rigorous, for we shall rule.
Blessed are the Heroic, for we are superior to fate.
Blessed are the Warriors, for we earn our victory.
Blessed are the Victorious, for we have earned our glory.
Blessed are the Champions, for we shall shine the Light.
Blessed are the Audacious for ours is Solar vision.
Blessed are the Annihilators, for we shall purify the land.
Blessed are the All-Vanquishes, for we shall restore righteous order.
Blessed are the Conquerors for every kingdom is ours.
Blessed are the Courageous, for we shall get on with great adventure.
Blessed are the Gallant, for we shall preserve all that is beautiful, good, and true.
Blessed are the Valiant, for we shall win great glory.
Blessed are the Brave and the Bold, for we shall be called the Chosen Ones.
Blessed and praised are the Strong, for we are nature's noblemen—in us She delights.
Strength is virtue.
Virtue is rewarded in this world.
The victor gets the gold, the land, the glory.
The delights of life go to the brave and the bold.
The spoils of battle go to the strong.
Might is master.
It is might against might, and everything to the winner.
It pays to be a winner.
Relentless violence of action.
Explosive energy. Tenacious endurance.
I focus on the here and now. I push through.
I am repetitively powerful.
I put in aggressive effort, volcanic energy, and I get the job done.
I put in the extra and I win.
I have the will to win; and where there’s a will, there are a thousand ways.
My life is to win. Victory sanctifies every cause.
Only victory matters.
I battle for my best life. Armed to the teeth with fiery robust determination.
Triple armor-clad with relentless warlike self-discipline, strength, and valor.
I go straight to the goal. The goal is power. I break through and win power.
I win my way to the top of the hierarchy.
With resourcefulness, energy, the unquenchable will to BE THE BEST.
The will to power. Fitness to reign, propagate and possess.
Fitness to dominate on the fields of Conquest.
Dominance is natural and good.
Nothing reveals the law of dominance more than nature.
Nature is tooth and claw. Nature is most aristocratic of all.
Mankind's beliefs will come and go, but nature marches on.
The natural world operates by might is right. Survival of the toughest.
These are universal laws that always return.
Nature loves strength.
Nature loves righteous, ferocious, aggressive action.
Nature's blessing is upon the vigorous.
Vigorous warrior energy.
Self-reliant, heroic. Naturally noble, commanding.
Untouched, unconcerned, powerful, and free.
I am born free, live free, and die free.
I am above all laws, all abstract moral theories.
I am my own law. I am law unto myself.
I know what is right, I am my own right.
At all times, I trust my gut and act according strictly to my own moral code.
I support and defend all that is good and beautiful and true.
I act freely, with gallantry, and supreme honor.
I am a free, happy warrior. Defined by conquest.
I climb the highest mountains and laugh at thunder.
I am undaunted, I am far above. I am above and beyond.
I laugh at the comedy of existence.
My laugh is the joyful shout of the conqueror.
All good things laugh. All that is good is cheerful.
I am the higher type of unbridled spirit, wild and free.
With energy and enthusiasm of independence.
Radical independence. Total freedom.
I am a trailblazer.
I follow my own path. I have the courage to go my way alone.
I get on with my work. I get on with my pursuit of mastery.
I march on to victory. I march upward; as a splendid example of natural nobility.
That untouchable nobility of character, power and might.
Nobility of honorable, clear-sighted, victorious valor, kingly courage. Superior heroic
I am superior, and I know myself.
I exalt myself, so I shall be exalted.
I show my power.
I seize opportunities.
I master; I dominate; I triumph.
I continually rise, with cold decisive willpower.
I pursue excellence.
I continually conquer. Every day, I conquer.
I have the lighthearted, easy strength and confidence to overthrow.
I am defiant, brave; battle-selected nobility.
I am knighted on the field of battle.
Grand heroic action is basic to my character.
My way is strong. I am living life at a higher standard.
I rise up. I am superhuman; Herculean; masterful and powerful.
I think and act like someone born better, born nobler, born braver than others.
I am made of iron. I put some splendor in my deeds.
Strength and splendor.

Solar Beatitudes 00:11 - 02:30
Affirmations 02:31 - 22:16
Solar Beatitudes 22:17 - 24:35


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