Can You Really EXPAND Your Rib Cage?

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Ribcage expansion has been a controversial topic in bodybuilding for years. Some say it's impossible, but a lot of the old school bodybuilders used to focus on rib cage expansion and actually achieved good results with expanding and making their rib cages bigger.

The ribcage has remarkable elasticity, which is primarily due to the costal cartilages. Costal cartilages are strips of dense tissues that serve as connectors of the long ribs to the sternum. Ribcage growth during childhood and adolescence occurs primarily in the costal cartilages.

During the early twenties the costal cartilages ossify or become fixed. After ossification occurs, weight training, forced breathing, and stretching are going to have little effect on increasing the size of the ribcage.

An older trainee can still, however, increase slightly the thickness of his ribs with progressive-resistance exercise. And pullovers will have a significant effect on the hypertrophy of the involved muscles: the latissimus dorsi, intercostals, pectoralis major, diaphragm, and seratus anterior.

So while you can't change your physical bone structure, you can "expand your rib cage" and add thickness to your torso with proper training.


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