David Knox CEO, is one of the Highest paid Chief Executive Officers in the World taking home in his annual salary with perks and benefits tens of Millions of dollars!
Santos, the Corporation David Knox fronts is a truly evil Multinational, one that's been able to weasel it's way into EVERYONE'S life through some way or another by buying up and swallowing ALL of it's competitors through crooked mergers and acquisitions over the last decades until now.
It's found it's NEW Universal Powers and ability to make Sovereign Countries with Democratically elected Governments kowtow to their (SANTOS) economic power, they our Governments in kind do their bidding for them through (Market manipulations and signing up to Free Trade Agreements like TPP or Trans Pacific Partnership, as for Santos, if Governments DON'T do what they ask of Governments, they have the ability to fire many many people which effects dramatically Governments and their perception by the voting populous.
David Knox tries to use Corporate "framing" language to put off listeners and those interested but he doesn't realize yet the "game", his "Game" is over, it's up, done and dusted and if he's foolish enough to continue down the road he seems to be going wait and see David what your reality will soon become, if 90% of the people DON'T WANT CSG what do you think will happen? Guess!
I really hope that sometime in the not to distant future, the World Environment Court will send people like David Knox and others somewhere where we'll never get to hear from them again permanently!
I for one in the future NEVER want these 1%ers around, to be able to dictate and control what you or I say or do.
Evil and inhuman individuals like David Knox need to get punished for their CRIMES on Humanity and the Environment, NOT promoted to the Elite's of this World in my opinion.
A Nuremberg Trial like for the Nazi's is what's needed for the CEO's of the top Five Hundred Multinational offenders globally, if this were to happen Human Kind would undoubtedly continue, without it, certain extinction first through genetic damage to the human cells, and an inability to reproduce healthy viable off-spring then secondly through damage to male reproductive systems in ALL mammalian animals, = EXTINCTION!
And Why, because of god-damned shareholders and greed, mankind never ever found out until it was to late that the World we live in is NOT meant for narcissitic, selfish and stupid people who are overpopulating a small planet at a rate NEVER before seen, so in fifteen years time there will be eight BILLION people on the Planet, just crazy stuff and Governments either not planning for it or just having their heads so far up their ass's they can't see the forest through the trees.
Everything Political nowadays is too Short term, everything that has to do with the Environment is LONG term, something modern day Governments can't and DON'T do anything about or choose not to do anything about because it's Politically expedient for them to do NOTHING which is why we find ourselves in this intolerable position with these Multi-nationals NOT being able to be ever voted OUT!
Santos, a Corporation which globally earns in profit close to Two TRILLION $US dollars EVERY financial quarter (every three months), and is heavily invested in Australia's weak and gutless Political ruling class, all of whom seem to bend over backwards and take it up the butt for David Knox and Organizations of the same ilk as Santos, basically just huge marauding slow to react giant monoliths which suck up everything in there path whilst leaving behind only uninhabitable wastelands and dying and dead environments with people so sick they can hardly get up let alone protest!
David Knox really does I think, believe he is a genuinely smart guy, and yeah he may have certificates and graduation Awards from prestigious schools of Higher learning but he clearly is a stupid as the day is long when it comes to CSG in Australia and demanding that we become the number one nation in destroying our own lands at a rate never before seen for money and shareholder profits. Is this guy really the head of Santos and if so how the FU*K did someone SO STUPID find himself in this position today!
The man truly has his head firmly up his ass when it comes to understanding that the VAST majority of people living in Australia DO NOT WANT CSG in ANYWAY, PERIOD.
So to you David, FU*K YOU and your Santos shareholders David Knox, we, as a civilised Democratic Country with people here SO much more intelligent and forward thinking than you, your idea's and concepts when it come to the future have about as much success to look forward to as the dinosaurs did!
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