Full Follow Along Upper Body Workout I Bodyweight Session For Footballers

Описание к видео Full Follow Along Upper Body Workout I Bodyweight Session For Footballers

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Here is the Full Session:

20 Forward Arm Circles
20 Backward Arm Circles
20 Swivel Across Body
20 Twists

2 Rounds
1. Push-up to Down Dog x 20
2. Y-Handcuffs x 20
3. Push-up to Plank x 50
4. Floor Slides x 15
5. Supermans x 30 Seconds
6. Partner Pushup Ladder (Start at 7 and go down- make sure partner stays in plank the whole time)

Complex 1
1a. 3 Point Pushup x 15
1b. Superman’s x 45 seconds

Complex 2
2a. Dips x 20-40 (depending on fitness level)
2b. Bird Dog Hold x 1 minute Each Side

Complex 3
3a. Alternating Bicep Curls x 20
3b. Front Raises x 15
3c. Side Raises x 15

Complex 4
4a. Band Shoulder Press x 10-20
4b. Band Pull Aparts x 10-20


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