BLACK IS THE COLOR (2017) Documentary, Arthouse

Описание к видео BLACK IS THE COLOR (2017) Documentary, Arthouse

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Conformement a la Loi sur le droit d'auteur du Canada, articles 29, 29.1 et 29.2, pour etre plus precis, le materiel protege par le droit d'auteur peut etre utilise en utilisation loyale et equitable.

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BLACK IS THE COLOR highlights key moments in the history of African-American visual art, from Edmonia Lewis’s 1867 sculpture Forever Free, to the work of contemporary artists such as Whitfield Lovell, Kerry James Marshall, Ellen Gallagher, and Jean-Michel Basquiat.

Directors Jacques Goldstein
Genres Documentary, Arthouse

#AfricanAmericanArt #AfricanAmericanVisualArt #AfricanAmericanPainters #HenryOssawaTanner #KerryJamesMarshall


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