Bunnify Rabbit Bonding Session - Case No. 3

Описание к видео Bunnify Rabbit Bonding Session - Case No. 3

Bunnify bonding service need a minimum of 10 days for 2 rabbits.

No rabbit was hurt during the bonding sessions. These 2 female rabbits from our customer were having their first few bonding sessions at our boarding place. After 13 days of bonding sessions, these 2 rabbits were successfully bonded.

Our success rate on bonding is high, and although we will never claim to be an ‘expert’ on rabbits as they are complex, mysterious and sometimes paradoxical creatures, our love and commitment to them runs deep.

The initial 48 hours is crucial and intense. Throughout this period your rabbit's will have constant supervision, so we can be there if anything was to 'kick off'.

Within this 48 hour period it usually becomes very apparent if the bonding will be successful or not, and if for any reason we feel that that the bonding won't work out, for example; excessive fighting occurs, even after intervention, and it becomes clear that they intend to cause each other a major injury, we will separate and try again 24 hours later.

At all times throughout the bonding process we have your rabbit's best interests at heart and if we think that they are at risk of being injured, we will step in to prevent this. We will stop the rabbits from fighting and if we think it really won't work we will let you know as soon as possible. For more info please visit https://www.bunnify.com

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