Cor Anglais Solo from the first movement of Gustav Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony

Описание к видео Cor Anglais Solo from the first movement of Gustav Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony

Awesome job and a majestic masterpiece performed with the Voces Caelestium, hosted by Maestro TaeSoo Kim. I am so lucky to play the third oboe and cor part for this piece, it is fantastic, and a great opportunity to spend.

Rise again, yes, rise again,
Will you, my dust, after a brief rest!
Immortal life! Immortal life
Will he who called you, give you.

You are sown to bloom again!
The lord of the harvest goes
And gathers sheaves,
Us, who have died.

O believe, my heart, O believe:
Nothing is lost to you!
Yours, yes yours, is what you desired
Yours, what you have loved
What you have fought for!

O believe,
You were not born for nothing!
Have not lived for nothing,
Nor suffered!

What was created
Must perish;
What perished, rise again!
Cease from trembling!
Prepare yourself to live!

O Pain, you piercer of all things,
From you, I have been wrested!
O Death, you conqueror of all things,
Now, are you conquered!

With wings which I have won for myself,
In love's fierce striving,
I shall soar upwards
To the light which no eye has penetrated!

I shall die in order to live.

Rise again, yes, rise again,
Will you, my heart, in an instant!
What you have conquered,
To God shall it carry you!


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