Hymn 215 GWA O God of creation Ash Grove

Описание к видео Hymn 215 GWA O God of creation Ash Grove

Our Organist, Stephen Calder is recording the hymns from the new hymnary "God Welcomes All" to help us familiarise our congregation with the hymns to enable singing them together during worship.

Hymn 215 (GWA) O God of creation (Ash Grove)
Words by Caroline Winfrey Gillette (b.1961), Music - Tune 'Ash Grove' Welsh traditional melody.
O God of creation, we see all around us:
How richly diverse are the people you've made!
In all of our neighbours who daily surround us,
Your love for your children is ever displayed.
We're made in your image, we're equal before you;
Yet often injustice and hatred abound.
Forgive us the ways that we sin and ignore you,
Accepting the structures that push others down.
Christ Jesus, you lived in the same way you taught us;
You welcomed the people that others despised.
You talked and you ate with the poor and the outcast;
You saw every person through welcoming eyes.
Forgive our re-building the walls you have broken —
Our making of barriers you came to tear down.
The gift of your cross is the world's reconciling
With God and with all of God's people around.
O God, by your Spirit, now give us a vision
Of life in your kingdom through Jesus your Son —
Where background and culture won't lead to division,
And all will feel welcomed and all will be one.
God, now may we work with a new dedication
For justice, equality, freedom and peace,
Until we are called to your great celebration
And share at your table in your banquet feast.


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