Praetorian VS Super Predator | WHO WINS?

Описание к видео Praetorian VS Super Predator | WHO WINS?

Both the Xenomorph XX121 and Yautja are two of the galaxies most awesome species with a deadly rivalry.
But both each have a bigger variant even deadlier and more powerful.
What happens when the Praetorian Xenomorph goes against the Super Predator
In the Red corner, we have the Praetorian Xenomorph.
also known as the Royal Guard, it is one of the final stages in the traditional life cycle of the Xenomorph XX121.
They are created when a hive population reaches over 300 individuals, then, a Warrior will metamorphosise into the Praetorian.
As well as serving as a protector for the hive’s Queen, if the Queen dies then the Praetorian can undergo further metamorphosis becoming the new Queen.
Visually, Praetorians resemble a Queen but smaller in size, although still far larger than a typical Xenomorph, typically standing at around ten feet, or three metres tall.
For weaponry, they have the standard weapons of a drone, except enlarged to fit their new size.
The only time a Praetorian has ever been seen on film is in the movie Aliens Versus Predator Requiem, where the Predalien was stated by the filmmakers to be a “young Queen”, and was seen to begin the construction of a hive. Although no Human-based Praetorian has so-far starred in a live-action movie as of 2023, and they are seen more in comics and videogames.

I thought that a fight between a Praetorian and Super Predator would end in a draw, as they are both fairly equally matched, both being larger versions of regular Aliens and Predators.
While the bigger Praetorian had the advantage up close, the Super Predator has a shoulder cannon to attack from further away, so each of their advantages even out.
I think I would like to see a regular Preatorian make an appearance in a future movie, as we’ve yet to see one.
Let me know your thoughts, and I’ll catch you again in the next versus video.



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