The Riddle of the Nikon PB-6 Bellows - a few less obvious features and how to use them

Описание к видео The Riddle of the Nikon PB-6 Bellows - a few less obvious features and how to use them

Firstly, it isn't a riddle. Doesn't have a riddle anywhere in it. Not off to a very good start, are we.

Here is a link to the PB-6 article -
And here is the link to my searchable article/video collection:
And the link to Mr. Butkus (camera manual dude):

This video wraps up everything I know about the bellows - it includes a few features that I seldom use, so have never thought to mention. But it does add even more interest to an already iconic macro photography accessory.
I'm, not going to tell about the features here - the video should do a good of that, but I will point you to my article, where you will find some of the full size images used in the video, and other fun stuff.
Here are a few links to the lenses and other gadgets used or discussed in the video. Some of these are affiliate links, meaning that I may receive a small commission for qualified purchases - which would be nice.
The Nikon 50mm f/1.8 D - a must own lens -
The Tamron 45mm f/1.8 - I love this lens -
For more magnification, it's brother, the 35mm -
A decent cable release for your PB-6 - (I just ordered one of these longer ones - big fan of ProMaster)
The ProMaster Monopod head from the video -
The best adapters for big cameras - BR-3 & BR-2 -
My macro APS-C body - the D7500 -
My new studio LED panels (cheap & cheerful) -
The $39 bellows I mentioned (this is proof) -
And I couldn't find the Novoflex bellows with the tilting forward standard,
but ay $999, this makes the point too -


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