Top 10 of the Silliest Boss Fights in WoW

Описание к видео Top 10 of the Silliest Boss Fights in WoW

In this video we're going to get a bit silly. WoW has thousands of bosses from dungeons and raids, and today we’ll be taking a look at some of the more absurd encounters in the game. While most bosses are usually pretty serious and somber and usually have their own complicated lore associated with them, occasionally one does run into some bosses where the devs just had some fun. Many bosses have some pretty funny and unique dialogue, but we’ll be focusing on bosses with silly mechanics or gimmicks, so bosses that include the likes of the magical mayhem of the Manastorms are unfortunately not going to be included on the list, since their antics are mostly dialogue rather than any actual gameplay.

Setup by Lotthbrook
Video edited by Sam
Script by Sir_Weltschmerz

├ The List
Intro: (0:00)
10) Mistcaller: (0:00)
9) Operator Thogar: (0:00)
8) Siegecrafter Blackfuse: (0:00)
7) Chess Event in Karazhan: (0:00)
6) Council of Dreams: (0:00)
5) Echo of Doragosa: (0:00)
4) Raal the Gluttonous: (0:00)
3) Mimiron: (0:00)
2) Trilliax: (0:00)
1) Stormstout Brewery: Ook-Ook, Hoptallus, & Yan-Zhu the Uncasked: (0:00)

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