Ramsey Peak 8,725' | 3rd Highest Peak in the Huachucas | Sierra Vista Arizona | Fort Huachuca

Описание к видео Ramsey Peak 8,725' | 3rd Highest Peak in the Huachucas | Sierra Vista Arizona | Fort Huachuca

According to the Trails of the Huachucas trail guide, the ¾ mile-long Ramsey Peak Trail "has a number (118) but the trail has not been built." The trail (unsigned but more distinct than I thought it would be) starts at Gate 2 on the Fort Huachuca boundary. To get to Gate 2 you'll need to hike 3½ miles with 2,700' of elevation gain starting on Scheelite Canyon Trail in Garden Canyon on Fort Huachuca. For the first couple miles you'll spend more time walking in the creek bed than you'd like. But then the trail gets steep and maybe, like I did, you'll soon think more fondly of that crummy creek bed!

Due to the hike to Gate 2, the route in this video is a 10 mile out-and-back with 3,500’ of total elevation gain. If you were to be able to teleport yourself to the start of Ramsey Peak Trail at Gate 2, you would have a 1½ mile round trip to the peak and back with about 500' of total elevation gain.

DIRECTIONS TO THE TRAILHEAD: On Google Maps search for Garden Canyon Road on Ft. Huachuca and follow the road to the signed Upper Picnic Area (just before the paved road ends). You can park there and hike ½ mile to the Scheelite parking area. You can also park at the Scheelite parking area but be aware that the MPs lock the gate just beyond the picnic area at dusk or when bad weather is forecast, and if you're late you'll have to hike back down Garden Canyon Road to get a cell signal and call to have them come and unlock the gate. Don't ask how I know this!

To enter Fort Huachuca you need a DoD i.d. card or you’ll have to stop at the office by the Van Deman gate and get a pass. I think they're good for a year. Do a quick search online for the documentation you’ll need.

There are various other routes to Ramsey Peak, and they each have pros and cons. I picked the shortest route with the least distance off trail. Alternately you can:
1. Start at Brown Canyon Ranch and hike to Pomona Mine and then bushwhack to the peak. This route is about 10 miles round trip but involves a much longer bushwhack, and when I’m hiking by myself I stay on trail as much as possible.
2. Hike a loop up Garden Canyon Road, take Sawmill Canyon Trail to the Crest Trail and Gate 2 and from there head to the peak. Head down via Scheelite Canyon. This route’s about 11½ miles long.
3. Hike from Ramsey Canyon Preserve on the Hamburg Trail to Pat Scott Trail and over to the peak. This route is a bit over 12 miles; the Preserve has certain opening hours and days that limit you a bit.
4. Hike up Sunnyside Canyon Trail from the west side of the Huachucas to the Crest Trail to Gate 2. This route is also more than 12 miles.

Pick up Leonard Taylor's “Trails of the Huachucas” and companion map if you plan to hike in this area. In addition to directions to the trail and trail details, the guide provides historical and geographical information that adds to your knowledge of this area. You can find it on Amazon or agaveguides.com or various other Tucson and Sierra Vista locations that sell hiking maps.

Fort Huachuca https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Hu...
Huachuca Mountains https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huachuc...

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