Do dog DNA tests actually work?

Описание к видео Do dog DNA tests actually work?

Dog DNA tests have become an increasingly popular purchase for many pet owners who are curious about their furry friend’s ancestry. And since so many dogs are rescues or mixed-breeds, there are plenty of potential customers for these dog DNA companies.

They are so popular that dog DNA testing has become a $235 million industry, according to Zion Market Research. VERIFY readers reached out to us to ask if these tests are accurate.

VERIFY looked into the science of dog genetics, DNA testing and what research says about different dog DNA companies. We also conducted our own experiment to determine the accuracy of three popular dog DNA testing companies.

Our testing included four DNA samples: a purebred dog with documented pedigree, one dog the owners were told is a German wirehaired pointer and Labrador retriever mix, one rescue mutt of unknown origins and a human. We sent these samples to three dog DNA testing companies to get a sense of their accuracy and any differences between them.


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