Basic Information about Patents

Описание к видео Basic Information about Patents

What you have to know about Patents? This and other questions are answered in the video. For questions or demands do not hesitate to contact me.

🎬Videos by Dr. Alexander Jeschke:

Verfahren vor dem Europäischen Patentamt - Das EP Verfahren
↪   • Verfahren vor dem Europäischen Patent...  

Patente: Das Wichtigste einfach erklärt! - Patent Erklärung
↪   • Patente: Das Wichtigste einfach erklä...  

Marken einfach erklärt! - Tipps zur Markenanmeldung
↪   • Marken einfach erklärt! - Tipps zur M...  

👨🏼‍ Who is Dr. Alexander Jeschke?

I am a German and European Patent Attorney. I am general manager of our law firm. Bevore I worked in industry. This experience I bring into my consultancy.

💬 Media:
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