Uncluttering Food and Agriculture - Merijn Dols, Global Director, Danone

Описание к видео Uncluttering Food and Agriculture - Merijn Dols, Global Director, Danone

This "Uncluttering Food and Agriculture" web series is focused on "Circular Economy for Food", and we will be discussing various topics including "Circular Economy Vs Linear Economy", "System Thinking in Agriculture and Food Sector", "Impact of Technology on Agriculture Ecosystem", and "Regenerative Agriculture" to name a few.

Today I am having an interactive session with, Merijn Dols, Global Director of Open Innovation and Circular Economy for Food, Danone. Merijn is having extensive knowledge on the topic and is an Advisory Board Member, Circular Economy for Food Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Member of the Google Food Lab, Co-Chair of the 'Future of Food Brain Trust' for XPRIZE, and is working with various think tanks and organization to promote Circular food system and regenerative agriculture.

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