The Allies. Союзники. Meeting at the Elbe River. (Short Film 2019)

Описание к видео The Allies. Союзники. Meeting at the Elbe River. (Short Film 2019)

The Soviet and American soldiers meet at the Elbe river in April of 1945. East meets West. Let's not forget the time when we were allies. Maybe more than that, we were friends. We are all just people and we all want peace. Happy Victory Day!

Советские и Американские солдаты встретились у реки Эльба в апреле 1945 год. Давайте будем помнить о том времени, когда мы были союзниками, и даже друзьями. Мы все люди и все хотим мира. С Днем Победы!

Written and directed: Tony LaPron
Camera operator: Evgeniy Belyavtsev
Sound assistance: Evgeniy Masalov
Starring: Alexey Karkushko and Trey Copenhaver
Sean Ayres
Denis Yachikov
Grigory Rozhkov
Sergey Latyshev
Konstantin Ezhanov
Vladimir Khodin

Music: Johan Soderqvist and Patrik Andren
all the music rights belong to their owners, non commercial use only

Tony LaPron Films 2019


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