Elterngeld Myths | Parental allowance in Germany

Описание к видео Elterngeld Myths | Parental allowance in Germany

00:00 Intro - Myths Elterngeld in Germany
00:27 Disclaimer Maternity pay and Parental leave in Germany
01:08 You need to be in Germany to receive Parental allowance in Germany - Elterngeld
02:17 Cross boarder commuters
02:46 ↕**Sorry, but the weather is changing the light!**
02:53 Subjected to the German social security law
03:29 Elterngeld is based on your current income
03:50 Non-self employed Assessment period - Bemessugszeitraum (Elterngeld)
05:11 Self employed Assessment period - Bemessugszeitraum (Elterngeld)
05:56 Non-self employed vs. Self employed (at the same time)
06:34 Elterngeld is 12 months for mothers and 2 months for fathers
08:00 Dstatis Elterngeld data
09:04 Wrap up

Elternzeit in Germany is a great benefit when comparing to some other countries, but claiming for Elternzeit can be a pain in the neck. There is so much to understand, to decide and to fill out. And there are quite a number of Elterngeld myths spreading everywhere. On this video you can check 3 of those myths, the most relevant in my opinion.

ALL THE INFO ON THIS VIDEO IN A WRITTEN FORMAT: https://aboebymarga.com/myths-parenta...



Contacts for more information about Elterngeld / Parental allowance in Germany:
Call115: You can call 115, the service line offered by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, to get advice on the phone for topics as:
➡ The requirements for claiming Parental Allowance,
➡ Where to get the application form, or
➡ Which Parental Allowance Office is responsible for you.

Service line offered by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs on 030 201 791 30 or send an e-mail to [email protected]

Parental Allowance Office (depending on where your child's place of residence is): you can get more detailed information regarding your own personal situation from your Parental Allowance (Elterngeld) Office.

Calculate your Elterngeld: https://familienportal.de/familienpor...
Familie Portal website: www.familienportal.de
Elterngel Digital: www.elterngeld-digital.de
Parental Allowance and Parental Leave (Eletrngeld und Elternzeit) – https://www.bmfsfj.de/resource/blob/1...

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