How to Deal With a Toxic Boss (and a Toxic Work Environment)

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How to Deal With a Toxic Boss and a Toxic Work Environment. Dealing with toxic manager and toxic work environment, a main reason for many to quit their jobs, leaving their companies, leaving a depression caused by this toxicity behind. Toxic bosses install a toxic work culture and a toxic environment within the company. Dealing with toxic micromanagers and toxic work environment is not easy at all. A problem with your boss is a no win situation, you either leave or you will eventually get fired. Miracles do not exist, but let's go through a few strategies which might help you to survive a toxic boss on a short term.

I am Marat from EMMOTION - Sharing my experience related to a toxic boss and to a toxic work environment made me realize that it is a huge issue. That I wasn’t alone at all! Thousands of employees suffer a bully boss and consequently the toxic energy they are surrounded with at work. There are not many actual help strategies or helpful advice on this subject. In today’s corporate world, we need to learn how to block the negative energies, no matter who or where they come from. To do our best to prevent the toxic management and their toxicity from affecting our health and peace of mind. But how? I have to be honest, miracles do not exist but there are a few strategies which could help you survive a toxic boss and a toxic work environment on a short term.

Because the first and the most important advice is definitely putting your best effort into getting OUT of a toxic place as soon as you can. I know it doesn’t not sound as much of a help right now, when you are in a such situation. But with time it becomes crystal clear that it is the best possible solution. More than 20 people I’ve questioned about this subject confessed they shouldn’t have tried to change their situation and that they should have left as quick as possible. Because not even a top yearly income and a senior role, you always wanted, is worth the damage on your emotional and physical health. The toll on your relationships and your general well-being which your toxic boss is causing. Negative atmosphere and the toxic vibes within the company will absorb all of your energy. The longer you stay, the more exhausted you are for a successful job hunting strategy.

The following tips will help you survive and possibly improve your situation but dealing with a toxic manager isn’t quick and easy. Get ready to show the maximum of patience. Toxic bosses don’t care about your well-being at work. They don’t care about the impact their behavior is having on their team’s productivity. They also put a front of being indifferent to their team disliking or hating them, in fact some might actually be enjoying it, which is another topic. What toxic bosses do care about are the  results! Especially if these make them look good in the eye of top management.

Anyone who has worked for a toxic boss knows how they can impact all the aspects of your life! Your confidence, your self-esteem tend to go away. But not when you stop being afraid! Working in a constant state of fear is extremely damaging. Think of the worst which could happen to you at work? Getting fired! Which is nowhere as bad as turning into a walking zombie. Researcher who did studies on more than 3000 people, found out that employees who have managers with toxic traits are 60 percent more likely to suffer a heart attack or other life-threatening condition.

Stop blaming yourself. No matter how toxic bosses make you feel, no matter what your boss says about you: “Incompetent”, “slow”, “not good enough”  —  you are NOT, their anger and toxicity are NOT your fault. There is nothing you can possibly do to be successful in this situation, except getting out of the toxic workplace.

Think Karma! If you absorb the toxicity and transmit negativity yourself, you are likely to get even more negativity in return. Your boss will eventually get what is coming to them. Focus on yourself, on getting your work done the way you can and on getting out of there without looking back!

Help and guidance for job interviews with and without job experience, for experienced professionals and project managers, recent graduates or students, adaptable generic examples. EMMOTION by Marat is designed to inspire you to be the best you in different aspects of your life, including career and professional identity.

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