Import of Goods , Customs Duty & IGST on Import of goods Entry in Tally prime

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Import of Goods , Customs Duty & IGST on Import of goods Entry in Tally prime
Import of Goods and Customs Duty Entry in Tally prime
Customs duty is a form of indirect tax which is imposed at the time of both import and export of goods and services. The tax which is imposed on the import of goods and services are is known as Import duty and for export of goods and services are known as Export duty.
In this video you can understand how to pass import of goods entry and Customs Duty Entry in Tally Prime.
1. Introduction -Import of Goods , Customs Duty & IGST on Import of goods Entry in Tally prime-0:00
2. Open tally prime – 0:34
3. Create ledger import & export – 0:44
4. Create ledger custom duty – 1:44
5. Create purchase entry – 2:24
6. Fill bill of entry detail – 3:43
7. Open GSTR3B - 4:22
8. Open duty & taxes in balance sheet – 5:14
9. Create journal entry – 5:40
10. Create input entry – 7:10
11. Create custom duty entry – 8:48
12. Open P&L – 9:47
13. Create bank entry – 10:24

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