The Orangutans of Borneo - Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre

Описание к видео The Orangutans of Borneo - Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre

I spent two months working at the Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre in Sabah, Borneo and It was one of the best experiences of my life.

We share 97% DNA with these amazing, playful and intelligent creatures yet they are on the verge of extinction. Deforestation across Malaysia and Indonesia is taking away their homes.

The Sepilok orangutan Rehabilitation centre and its amazing staff are doing all they can to help the orangutans, they raise and rehabilitate orphaned orangutans and their work has helped release hundreds back into the wild there are similar organisations on the island and they are making a difference but it is not enough.

But what can we do? The biggest threat is caused from our demand of unsustainable palm oil which can be found in so many products we use, if there is less demand then we can collectively make a difference.

Much love, Jack

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