【公視 誰來晚餐13-27】英國Andrew的錦鯉夢 竟孵出一個五口之家:雲林土庫台英家庭|Guess Who: Englishman Andrew’s Big Koi Dream

Описание к видео 【公視 誰來晚餐13-27】英國Andrew的錦鯉夢 竟孵出一個五口之家:雲林土庫台英家庭|Guess Who: Englishman Andrew’s Big Koi Dream





📌 哪位神秘嘉賓,會吃到最道地的英式餐點呢?

※ @42:21 關於字幕IMF (I'm Fired.)

1997年韓國曾發生重大金融風暴,當時的韓國民間曾流行「IMF=I'm Fired.」的說法,以表達民眾對經濟問題、對IMF(國際貨幣基金組織)的感受。


At 28 years of age, Englishman Andrew sold his house and car and boldly traveled to Taiwan to pursue his dream of building a koi fishery. Andrew's inspirational story caught media attention, and through it, he met the love of his life, Nikki, who has wholeheartedly supported her hubby's grand dream. Today, Andrew and Nikki have three lovely young kids and are working hard to build a life. However, with their koi business struggling to break even, Andrew suffers from sleepless nights and depression, while Nikki has been forced to take on an exhausting teaching schedule to keep the family afloat. In today's episode, we meet 41-year-old Andrew as he strives to provide for his family while pursuing his dream. Andrew is willing to give his all to succeed and would have no qualms about borrowing from the bank, so what "debt" feels unbearable to him? Faced with starting from scratch, what convinced Andrew to up sticks and move to another country? It's said that cross-cultural marriages come with extra challenges, so how have Andrew and Nikki kept the fire of love burning bright?​


🏠公視 誰來晚餐 【英國Andrew的錦鯉夢 竟孵出一個五口之家】​

▪ 4/29(五)21:00|公視​
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▪ 你還沒認識的家庭故事,你還沒認識的台灣​

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