Buddhism: The Principle of Dependent Origination (Pratītyasamutpāda)

Описание к видео Buddhism: The Principle of Dependent Origination (Pratītyasamutpāda)

The Principle of Dependent Origination (Pratītyasamutpāda) The Most Important Doctrine in Buddhism.
- EN: dependent origination, dependent arising, interdependent co-arising, conditioned arising
- SK: प्रतीत्यसमुत्पाद (IAST: pratītyasamutpāda)
- Pali: पटिच्चसमुप्पाद (paṭiccasamuppāda)

The entire operating law of the human universe was summarized by Buddha in a succinct truth:

"If this exists, that exists; from the arising of this, that arises. If this does not exist, that does not exist; from the cessation of this, that ceases." This is the doctrine of dependent origination.

The law of dependent origination encompasses two aspects: arising and ceasing, occurring in multiple dimensions. The process of arising and ceasing, ceasing and arising, continues indefinitely from the beginningless to the endless time. It encompasses everything from the birth and decay of the physical body to the consciousness of individuals and all sentient beings, to the formation and destruction of the earth and the universe. The wisdom of the Buddha did not only discover this law but also demonstrated how to apply it so that people can liberate themselves from suffering and achieve happiness. This podcast episode will delve into the doctrine of dependent origination primarily through the Middle-Length Discourses.

Chapter 1. The Core Doctrine in Buddhism Displayed in the World
Buddha taught that the universe was not created by a divine entity like Brahma, nor did it arise naturally without cause, nor from a single cause such as mind or matter, unlike prevalent philosophical thoughts worldwide. In essence, Buddha rejected all contemporary worldviews. The doctrine of dependent origination he discovered is thus a fundamental law of the universe's operation, embodying an ultimate truth. According to this, the appearance of any phenomenon is connected to numerous causes, and these causes in turn link to further causes. Moreover, the phenomena themselves contribute conditions for the emergence of other phenomena. Conversely, if one phenomenon ceases, it does so because the conditions that produced it have also ceased, and this cessation leads to the disappearance of other related phenomena.
Interdependence in Nature and Humanity
Everything in the realm of nature and humanity depends on each other for existence. Existence is only possible through relational dependencies. Nothing can exist independently, as all things depend on numerous interrelated factors. If one element ceases, others too cannot exist. This constant change means entities also transform over time.

Illustrative Example with Plants

Plants depend on soil as a medium, minerals, and nutrients for growth, moisture to transport nutrients and build cellular structures, and sunlight for photosynthesis. Without any of these elements, a plant cannot survive. The factors crucial for a plant's growth do not influence it in a sequential order over time. They must exist simultaneously, interdependently. A plant contributes to sustaining the ecosystem by shedding leaves and other parts, which decompose and enrich the soil with humus and trace minerals. Theoretically, for something to exist independently, it must sustain and stabilize itself. However, according to natural laws, this is impossible, and consequently, all entities are transient and lack inherent essence. All entities are formed and maintained through relational networks. There is no beginning or end as the question of what comes first cannot be answered: “the seed or the plant, the chicken or the egg?”


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