ইউজার থেকে কীভাবে ইনপুট নিবে | defined exception in java | Custom Exception in Javacreate

Описание к видео ইউজার থেকে কীভাবে ইনপুট নিবে | defined exception in java | Custom Exception in Javacreate

In Java, custom exceptions allow you to define your own error conditions and handle them in a way that is specific to your application's needs. Custom exceptions are often used to provide more meaningful error messages and to handle application-specific error cases.

Steps to Create a Custom Exception in Java
Create a new class that extends Exception or RuntimeException:

If you want your custom exception to be checked, extend the Exception class.
If you want it to be unchecked, extend RuntimeException.
Add constructors to the custom exception:

A default constructor.
A constructor that accepts a custom error message.
Optionally, a constructor that accepts both a message and a cause (another exception)
ইউজার থেকে কীভাবে ইনপুট নিবে জাবা | defined exception in java | Custom Exception in Java


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