Drumshanbo Irish Gunpowder Gin Review

Описание к видео Drumshanbo Irish Gunpowder Gin Review

Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin is a mouthful to say, but well worth it. It is the Gin of Mrs Doyle’s dreams, combining traditional botanicals with a good measure of Asian influence and a whack of her favourite gunpowder green tea.

This is the first gin I have tasted that combines both traditional copper pot distillation and vapour infusion distillation. What will the results be and will it pass the dilution test. Watch and find out for yourself.

For a wealth of gin and other alcohol content, please subscribe to my channel and follow me @tommy_tastes on Instagram.

  / tommy_tastes  

For more info on DGIG, follow the link: https://drumshanbogunpowderirishgin.com/

If you are interested in Irish people trying gin with too much dilution or accompanied by ridiculous garnishes, then enjoy:    • Irish People Try Gunpowder Irish Gin ...  

For the distillation dorks who are interested in vapour infusion distillation, then more info can be found on the following link (sorry, it relates to Bombay Sapphire):    • Bombay Sapphire  The Process of Vapor...  

(I would like to point out that I am not paid by Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin for including these links)

#gin #ginandtonic #drinking #booze #alcohol #review #vlog #cocktails #drumshanbo #drumshanbogunpowdergin #irishgin #inginwetrust #ginfluencer


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