How To Build The Ultimate Desktop Electric Foundry...From a Paint Can!

Описание к видео How To Build The Ultimate Desktop Electric Foundry...From a Paint Can!

Today, we'll be upgrading the classic paint can forge into an all-electric 2000-degree desktop kiln, capable of melting aluminum, copper, and so much more!

Parts list (total cost is roughly $150):
1. Inkbird PID controller with SSR and heatsink:
2. K-type thermocouple rated for over 1200C:
3. Gallon-size metal paint can:
4. Kastolite-30 castable refractory (5-pounds):
5. 1"x12"x24" ceramic blanket (aka, Inswool or Kaowool):
6. Ceramic terminal block:
7. Carvable foam ("Desert Dry Fom"):
8. 3000W kanthal heating element:
9. Other assorted building materials (wood, screws, and wire) can be found in stores like Home Depot, Lowes, and even Walmart

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0:00 Intro
0:27 Preparing the paint can
1:18 Insulation discussion
1:44 Carving the foam insert
2:07 Preparing the ceramic blanket
2:31 Insulating the body
3:34 Assembling the base and PID controller
4:18 Finishing the body
4:38 Adding the heating element
5:16 Bakeout
5:30 Firing it up!
5:58 What next?


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