Best Grimdark Fantasy Books of All Time

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Today I'm talking about the best grimdark fantasy books of all time! Everything from Joe Abercrombie's First Law and Martin's ASOIAF to Lawrences Prince of Thorns and Kuang's The Poppy War!

Let me know your favorites in the comments!

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0:00 - INTRO
1:05 - Skillshare
2:25 - Indie Books
3:27 - Black Company
4:37 - ASOIAF
6:19 - Broken Empire
8:31 - Berserk
9:04 - Faithful & Fallen
10:46 - Poppy War
12:02 - Acts of Caine
13:13 - Coldfire
15:00 - Elric
16:15 - Prince of Nothing
17:38 - Locke Lamora
18:44 - Malazan
18:58 - Sons of Darkness
21:00 - First Law

Want to send me something? Here's my PO Box address:
Jay Kennedy
PO Box 21163
Kelowna RPO Orchard Park, BC, V1Y 9N8



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