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[KiniNews] DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke has strongly criticised PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang for attempting to link the party to the controversy surrounding the royal addendum in Najib Abdul Razak’s case.

Loke denounced Hadi’s repeated political strategy of blaming DAP for every issue under the slogan “Everything is DAP’s fault”, labelling it irresponsible and malicious.

He also stressed that matters related to pardons fall under the jurisdiction of the Pardons Board, which does not involve the cabinet and there is no DAP representative in the Pardons Board.

Meanwhile, in a separate story, PKR MP Hassan Abdul Karim said Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim does not need to resign over the royal addendum issue as demanded by certain parties.

He said Anwar should be praised for his commitment to upholding judicial independence as personally and as prime minister, he cannot arbitrarily comment on whether the royal addendum exists.
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