Taking Control with Azorius Caretaker Tokens | Standard | MTG Arena Ladder

Описание к видео Taking Control with Azorius Caretaker Tokens | Standard | MTG Arena Ladder

Today we hop into the Magic the Gathering Arena ladder and test out Blue White Control using Caretaker's Talent and Elspeth to control the board and out card advantage our opponents in the late game. The deck makes tons of tokens and is a lot of fun to play because you are constantly drawing cards and can pump your board for big amounts of damage in the late game.

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Time Codes:

0:00 - Intro & Decklist
4:03 - Match 1
25:10 - Match 2
1:07:00 - Match 3
1:32:23 - Final Deck Breakdown


#mtgarena #mtg #azorius #magicthegathering


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