Download Global Temperature and Precipitation statistics using Google Earth

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A Google Earth-based interface to the CRU TS dataset.
The interface allows individual half-degree cells to be examined, and for nearby observations to also be found.
The data included are drawn directly from the CRU TS 4.03 dataset and related observation files.
Temperature (TMP), Precipitation (PRE), Diurnal Temperature Range (DTR) and Vapour Pressure (VAP) are available.
In order to use this interface, you will need to have installed Google Earth:
   • Видео  
You can then open this file in Google Earth:

The latest version of CRUTEM is called CRUTEM4 and is available in text and netCDF formats at the Climatic Research Unit and at the Met Office Hadley Centre.
To access CRUTEM4 through Google Earth, download the following KML file and open it in Google Earth:

Older versions still available:

Data up to June 2018 (note that 2018 annual temperature anomalies are based on incomplete data, Jan to Jun) from version CRUTEM4.6.0.0-2018-06 [see archive].
Data up to November 2016 (note that 2016 annual temperature anomalies are based on incomplete data, Jan to Nov) from version CRUTEM4.5.0.0-2016-11 [see archive].
Data up to June 2015 (note that 2015 annual temperature anomalies are based on incomplete data, Jan to Jun) from version CRUTEM4.4.0.0-2015-06 [see archive].
Data up to August 2014 (note that 2014 annual temperature anomalies are based on incomplete data, Jan to Aug) from version CRUTEM4.3.0.0-2014-08 [see archive].
Data up to December 2012 from version CRUTEM4.2.0.0-2013-03
About website:
CRUTEM is a dataset derived from air temperatures near to the land surface recorded at weather stations across all continents of Earth. It has been developed and maintained by the Climatic Research Unit since the early 1980s, with funding provided mostly by the US Department of Energy. The lead scientist for most of this work was Professor Phil Jones, though many colleagues have also contributed. In recent years, the Met Office Hadley Centre (MOHC) have also been involved, especially in the regular updating of the operational version of CRUTEM (current version CRUTEM4). CRUTEM has been combined with the MOHC's dataset of sea surface temperatures to provide a near-global dataset of temperatures across Earth's surface, called HadCRUT. For example, the current version HadCRUT4 combines CRUTEM4 and HadSST3. These datasets have been widely used for assessing the possibility of anthropogenic climate change.
What is this for?
To facilitate direct access to visualisations and the underlying data values, the current version is also made available via Google Earth. An online rendition of the dataset -- the weather station monthly temperature data and their locations, the grid-box monthly temperature anomalies, and seasonal and annual timeseries graphs of all these data -- is accessed via an overlay written in Keyhole Markup Language (KML). The KML file overlays these locations onto the three-dimensional representation of the Earth provided by the Google Earth software, enabling the dataset to be explored and accessed interactively and graphically. This significantly enhances the accessibility of this key climate dataset, whether for exploring the data and extracting regional information for research and teaching, or for identifying any errors or limitations, without the need to develop bespoke software to analyse the data. Given that the Google Earth software is freely available and has been downloaded more than one billion times this represents an important additional dissemination route for the CRUTEM4 dataset.

How do I use it?
When you have clicked the KML file above, choose to open it with Google Earth. You will then see a dark and light grey (previously green and red) checkerboard over the Earth. These are the boxes that we have weather station data in (note that sea surface temperatures are not included in CRUTEM, only in HadCRUT). You can click any grey box you choose and it will show the annual temperature anomaly timeseries for that grid box, plus clickable links to seasonal images and the grid-box data. There is also a link called "Stations": clicking this will show the approximate locations of all weather stations in our archive for that grid box with marker pins and the ID/name of the station. You can click any station pin to see the annual temperature timeseries for that station, and to access the seasonal images and the station data itself. The data files are in a suitable format to import into a spreadsheet: save them and then open as comma-deliminated (CSV) files.


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