【Eng Sub】烤牛肋骨 | Roast prime rib | 新手也能輕鬆駕馭

Описание к видео 【Eng Sub】烤牛肋骨 | Roast prime rib | 新手也能輕鬆駕馭

開派對想做牛排,但要同時讓十幾塊牛排熱騰騰地上桌對於我們這種普通家庭式烤箱有點難度對吧? 試試烤牛肋骨吧!做法簡單,即便新手也能輕鬆駕馭。
我這次用到的牛肋骨重11 磅,有4根骨頭,足夠10-12人的份量。1根骨頭夠分2-3個人,你可以按照這種方法來預計你需要的份量。

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綜合香草/Organic no salt seasoning(Costco有賣):2湯勺


希望你們喜歡這個烤牛肋骨,也鼓勵大家勇敢嘗試,如果試做後有什麼心得分享或問題,歡迎在下面留言! =)

Thank you for watching!
Keep cooking and smiling! ^0^

Want to serve steak at your party? But in order to serve 10 or more hot steaks at the same time could be a challenge for those of you are having conventional oven. Try this roast prime rib, very simple and can be easily handled by a newbie.
I used a 11lbs prime rib, which is 4 ribs. 1 rib serve about 2-3 people, you can use this method to estimate how much you need to buy.

Please see below for the seasoning I used in the video:
3 oz butter
2 table spoons salt
2 table spoons Organic no salt seasoning(from Costco)

Friendly reminder and tips:
1.The seasoning I used in the video can be replaced by other dried seasoning, for instant: Rosemary
2.Make sure the prime rib is seat in room temperature for 2-3 hours before cooking, so that the meat has enough of time to reach room temperature. Meat will taste better by doing so.
3.Do not open the oven door during that 2 hours waiting time, so that the oven can remain a certain temperature. If you open the oven door, temperature will drop quickly, then the result may not be the same.
4. Usually steak need to be rest for 5-10 mins after cooking, but for this one you don't need to do that, just cut and serve right away.

I hope you like this roast prime rib, and I encourage you to try. Please comment below if you have any questions or sharing for this recipe. =)

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Keep cooking and smiling! ^0^


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