Fundamental of plant pathology || Introduction / Syllabus analysis ||

Описание к видео Fundamental of plant pathology || Introduction / Syllabus analysis ||

#plantpathology #bscagricultureplantpathology ( PPATH-121 ) #erainstitute

Fundamental of plant pathology || Introduction / Syllabus analysis || #Master_121 #plantpathology



Fundamentals of Plant Pathology


Introduction: Importance of plant diseases, scope and objectives of Plant Pathology. History of Plant Pathology with special reference to Indian work. Terms and concepts in Plant Pathology. Pathogenesis. Causes and classification of plant diseases. Important plant pathogenic organisms, different groups: fungi, bacteria, fastidious vesicular bacteria, phytoplasmas, spiroplasmas, viruses, viroids, algae, protozoa, phanerogamic parasites and nematodes with examples of diseases caused by them. Diseases and symptoms due to abiotic causes.

Fungi: general characters, somatic structures, types of fungal thalli, fungal tissues, modifications of thallus, reproduction (asexual and sexual). Nomenclature. Binomial system of nomenclature, classification of fungi (key to Domain to Phylum).

Role of enzymes and toxins in disease development.

Defense mechanism in plants.

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PLANT PATHOLOGY by #erainstitute




Plant pathology



पादप रोग जनन





















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