Sinkhole Alley near Pioneer Tunnel

Описание к видео Sinkhole Alley near Pioneer Tunnel

Today, I take a hike to showcase some of the sinkholes caused by the original coal mining operations before the 'Pioneer Tunnel' became a popular tourist attraction. These sinkholes are caused by mining too close to the surface and are relatively common in the coal region but very dangerous.

Brief History:

The first company, called the Pioneer Colliery, worked the Mahanoy mountain removing coal and created what was the original '1st opening' on the north side of the mountain. The '2nd opening', featured in this video, was dug from within the mine strait up over 400 feet until they reached the surface daylight. This hole was created as an emergency escape exit in case of mine collapse or some other emergency. It also served as an entry point for emergency personnel in case they needed to rescue someone within the mine. The 3rd opening, which is today's Pioneer Tunnel attraction, was the last opening created and became a hub for coal mining and removal. In 1911, the mine changed hands and was bought by The Philadelphia Iron and Coal Company and ran for 20 years until it was closed in 1931. In 1963, the 2nd and 3rd opening were restored and re-opened as a tourist attraction that takes visitors deep within the mountain and shows a snapshot of the area's rich coal mining history.

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#nature #hike


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