Demystifying Parallel and Distributed Deep Learning: An In-Depth Concurrency Analysis

Описание к видео Demystifying Parallel and Distributed Deep Learning: An In-Depth Concurrency Analysis

In this video from 2018 Swiss HPC Conference, Torsten Hoefler from (ETH) Zürich presents: Demystifying Parallel and Distributed Deep Learning: An In-Depth Concurrency Analysis.

"Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are becoming an important tool in modern computing applications. Accelerating their training is a major challenge and techniques range from distributed algorithms to low-level circuit design. In this talk, we describe the problem from a theoretical perspective, followed by approaches for its parallelization.

Specifically, we present trends in DNN architectures and the resulting implications on parallelization strategies. We discuss the different types of concurrency in DNNs; synchronous and asynchronous stochastic gradient descent; distributed system architectures; communication schemes; and performance modeling. Based on these approaches, we extrapolate potential directions for parallelism in deep learning."

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