Huawei B310As - 852 Modem unboxing - watch this before you decided to buy

Описание к видео Huawei B310As - 852 Modem unboxing - watch this before you decided to buy

This unboxing video is for those who wants to know what came with in the box. Got this product from shopee.

Huawei B310As-852 LTE FDD
B3/B7/B8 1800/2100/2600Mhz TDD
B38/39/40/41 1900/2300/2500/2600Mhz Cat4
150Mbps Wireless Mobile Gateway Router

can see the speed test here.
unifi    • Huawei B310As - 852 Speed Test with i...  
celcom    • Speed Test Huawei B310As - 852 with C...  
digi infinite 150    • Huawei B310As - 852 Speed Test with D...  

Unboxing Huawei B618s-65d    • Huawei B618s - 65d unboxing - is this...  
Speed test Huawei B618s-65d    • Huawei B618-65d Speed Test with Unifi  

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