AMZCHEF Single Induction Cooker - Simple Review and Testing

Описание к видео AMZCHEF Single Induction Cooker - Simple Review and Testing

我喺Amazon買左呢一個電磁爐返黎, 我覺得佢喺發熱面和溫度控制方面有改善空間, 俾大家作一個小參考.

(1) 發熱面: 唔知係咪因為線圈排列既關係, 我覺得佢發熱唔係好平均, 影片入面我塊薄撐中間燶左佐係周圍都未金黃色, 而且半塊熟D半塊無咁熟.

(2) 溫度控制: 我覺得有D難用, 比如你想滾小小野, 想保持D水喺微滾既狀態, 但因為你只可以選擇 80度或者100度, 所以佢一係就完全唔識滾, 一係就大滾.

I bought an induction cooktop on Amazon and I think there is room for improvement in terms of heating and temperature control, just to give everyone a little reference.

(1) Heating surface: I'm not sure if it's because of the arrangement of the coils, but I feel like the heating is not evenly distributed. In the video, I see that the center of the pancake is overcooked while the edges are still not golden brown, and half of the pancake is well done and half is not.

(2) Temperature control: I think it's difficult to use. For example, if you want to boil a small amount of water and keep it at a slight boil, but because you can only choose between 80 degrees or 100 degrees, it either won't boil at all or will boil too much.


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