焗烤奶油白菜|經典港式料理 Baked Cabbage with White Sauce

Описание к видео 焗烤奶油白菜|經典港式料理 Baked Cabbage with White Sauce

#料理 #美食 #食譜 #cooking #recipe

料理手札 :
食材 | 14公分圓形烤盤

白醬 (重點!建議依照以下的食材比例)


(1) 將烤箱預熱至200°C備用。將培根冷鍋下鍋,以中火拌炒至金黃後,放入蒜末拌炒至香氣呈現。

(2) 放入白菜拌炒至軟化,轉小火,倒入2湯匙的熱水,蓋鍋燜煮60秒,再放入鹽及黑胡椒拌勻後,起鍋放置焗烤盤中備用。

(3) 另準備一只平底鍋,冷鍋放入無鹽奶油,小火加熱至融化後,放入麵粉迅速拌勻,再將牛奶分批倒入拌勻至濃稠即可。

(4) 將白醬均勻倒入焗烤盤中,表面鋪上乳酪絲,再放入已預熱至200°C的烤箱烘烤至表面金黃即可,約20至30分鐘。
Ingredients|14cm oven pan
2 thin slices of bacon, 200g Chinese cabbage, 2 cloves minced garlic, 60g shredded cheese

White sauce
20g unsalted butter, 1 Tbsp all-purpose flour, 150ml milk

¼ tsp salt, ¼ tsp black pepper

(1) Preheat the oven to 200°C. Pan fry the bacon over medium heat until golden brown, add in minced garlic and stir well.

(2) Add in the Chinese cabbage and stir fry until soft. Turn to low heat, pour in 2 Tbsp water and cover the pan to simmer for 60 seconds. Add in salt and black pepper, stir well. Transfer the ingredients to a oven pan.

(3) Prepare another pan, add in unsalted butter and heat over low heat until melted. Add in flour and stir well, then gradually pour in milk and stir well until thicken.

(4) Transfer the white sauce to the oven pan, top with the shredded cheese, then bake at 200°C until golden brown, around 20 to 30 minutes.


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