Burning Books I Hate!! || Reread, Rewrite Burn Book Tag

Описание к видео Burning Books I Hate!! || Reread, Rewrite Burn Book Tag

We're back at it, burning more books (theoretically obviously!) for another version of the Reread, Rewrite or Burn Book Tag. This time I'm only including books I hate, books I gave 1 or 2 stars to, basically the worst books I've read since joining booktube!

This tag with only 5 star books:    • Burning My Favorite Books!! || Reread...  

Worst Books of 2018:    • WORST BOOKS OF 2018 || Unpopular Opin...  

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2a9Qoki
Beauty Channel: http://bit.ly/1GDi7AJ
Twitter: http://bit.ly/1KQqL43

Where I buy books online!

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2BXwoOp
BookOutlet: http://bit.ly/2Situsm
Chapters Indigo: http://bit.ly/2aJw4lB

Chair: West Elm http://bit.ly/2K6kvGD


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