Measuring & Managing Scope 3 Emissions - SINAI

Описание к видео Measuring & Managing Scope 3 Emissions - SINAI

- This SINAI Technologies webinar provides an overview of Scope 3 emissions, the importance of managing them, and best practices for calculating and mitigating them within a value chain.

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Key Takeaways from this Webinar:

- Scope 3 emissions encompass all indirect emissions beyond a company's direct operations (Scope 1) and purchased energy (Scope 2).

- These emissions are becoming increasingly important for companies due to regulations like the SBTi and SEC proposals.

- SINAI employs a six-step approach for calculating scope 3 emissions, focusing on data quality, materiality assessment, and methodology selection.

- The webinar discusses different calculation methodologies including spend-based, average data, and supplier-specific methods, emphasizing the importance of moving towards more accurate approaches.

- SINAI's value chain module allows companies to share emissions data with suppliers and customers, facilitating more accurate and collaborative emission reduction efforts.

- The webinar acknowledges the challenges of obtaining primary data for scope 3 emissions, but highlights opportunities for mitigation through technology shifts, business model changes, and engagement with stakeholders.

- Auditing scope 3 emissions is currently challenging, but verification of calculation methodologies is a crucial step in ensuring accuracy and transparency.


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