Hawaiian Woodcarving Tiki - God of the Sea for safe travel purpose of the Polynesian origin.

Описание к видео Hawaiian Woodcarving Tiki - God of the Sea for safe travel purpose of the Polynesian origin.

Have you watch Kon Tiki movie? Its a bout story developed base on one of the early Norwegian explorer Thor Hyerdahl’s theroy believed that the South Sea islands were originally colonized by South Americans. In 1947 despite his fear of water and inability to swim, Heyerdahl decides to prove his theory. He and five companions set sail from Peru on a balsa-wood raft built from an ancient design. Their only modern equipment is a radio, and they must navigate using the stars and ocean currents. After three exhausting months at sea, they achieve their goal. They brought with them the tiki to protect them at sea as the Lavita, ancestors of the Polynesian people did. 🌊🦑.

Kanaloa – Hawaiian God of the Sea

It represents safe travel on sea, air and land. Its often ritually used for cleansing fresh waterfall, faith and hope. Ti leaf positions in the middle of the tiki forehead represents the divine power and good luck according to native Hawaiian beliefs

Symbol: the leaf in the middle forehead is the ti leaf that represent the power and goodluck of the Hawaiian people. The zigzag on the side next to the leaf that distributed evenly on the two sides are the shark teeth to draw charm for the god that represents strength.

Check out the link for 30% off and free shipping in the next three days (limited time offer). 🙏 Mahalo !

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