Super Nintendo DKC2 Diddy's Kong Quest SCEECH S SPRINT K ROOL S KEEP World 7 Final Mission

Описание к видео Super Nintendo DKC2 Diddy's Kong Quest SCEECH S SPRINT K ROOL S KEEP World 7 Final Mission

Screech's Sprint Donkey Kong Country 2
Screech's Sprint is the thirty-fourth level of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest. It is the only regular level of The Flying Krock and the last regular level if not counting the Lost World's. It takes place in between a series of brambles. The first half of Screech's Sprint is similar to other bramble levels, as Diddy and Dixie Kong must climb vines and avoid touching any brambles along the way. A few Cat O' 9 Tails attempt to throw the Kongs up into the brambles, and near the start is a Kloak that throws a Kaboom, just before the group of four Klingers, each sliding down a vine near the start. There are also seven Mini-Neckys that try to swoop into the Kongs. Zingers are the most common enemy, and appear in both their yellow and red varieties throughout both parts of the level. In the second half, just below the Star Barrel, is a Squawks Animal Barrel. Right after Squawks is transformed into, he must participate in a race against Screech for the rest of the level. While racing, Squawks must carefully navigate through the brambles and Zingers, and there are a few shortcuts along the way. Squawks is required to win the race, otherwise he loses a life.

KONG Letters[edit]
K: Between two Red Zingers shortly beyond the start of the race.
O: Proceeding two Red Zingers and a regular Zinger, the "O" Letter is found by taking the left path where the level path splits into three.
N: Obtained by taking a detour in the race shortly before a myriad of red Zingers.
G: Left of the plethora of Red Zingers before the end of the race.
Key items[edit]

Squawks finds the golden feather
Cranky's Video Game Hero Coin: During the race against Screech, after passing the letter O and two groups of four vertically-assorted Zingers, Squawks appears at some bananas in the shape of a down arrow. Instead of moving in the specified direction, Squawks must continue right and loop around a bramble (with a DK Barrel in the path) to find the Video Game Hero Coin in a small opening after the loop.
Golden feather (Game Boy Advance version only): To the bottom right of the Video Game Hero Coin, Squawks must hover down a very narrow opening to collect the golden feather in a corner beneath a small bramble.
Photograph (Game Boy Advance version only): Squawks can automatically obtain the photograph by winning at the race against Screech in under 1 minute and 20 seconds. The photograph is an image of Screech, which appears on the Scrapbook's third page.
Bonus Area
Find the Coin!: After passing the group of Mini-Neckys, the Kongs must onto the following platform and cross a gap onto the next platform. From there, they must perform team up to reach a wooden platform above with a kannonball on it. Diddy and Dixie must carry it, jump onto the next platform, and then into the kannon. In the Bonus Area, Diddy and Dixie have 35 seconds to obtain the Kremkoin at the bottom of the stage. There is a DK Barrel at the start, as Dixie's Helicopter Twirl is required to safely navigate between the brambles. There are trails of bananas throughout that direct the path that the Kongs must take. After the first fall is a narrow gap requiring a cartwheel jump from either Kong to pass through, and then another fall through the brambles that require the use of Dixie's Helicopter Spin to safely navigate through. After this, the Kongs must cartwheel through another gap to obtain the Kremkoin on the other end.


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