How Much Does Instagram ACTUALLY Pay You?

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In this video I bring in a special guest to help explain exactly how much money Instagrammers really make. While you may see news headlines that say how they make four or five figures per post, I found a special guest for today's YouTube video that'll explain exactly how much they make on instagram and how people can have success on the platform.

Ahhh yes, Instagram. All you ever hear about is how people are making a killing posting pictures of themselves and it sounds like very easy money. In fact, it’s estimated that Kylie Jenner makes $1.27 million per sponsored post!

But that isn’t normal….how do I know? Because I just so happen to be VERY close with someone who has about 775k followers. By the end of this video, together, my special guest and I will discuss how much Instagrammers REALLY make and the problem with the instagrammer business model.

In this video we’ll cover the following;

● What does instagrammer mean?
● How Much Does Instagram Pay You?
● The problem with the Instagrammer business model
● How Much Do Instagrammers Really Make?

What does instagrammer mean?

● Someone who creates a following and provides them with valuable content.
○ Most people think of a girl or guy who takes pictures of themselves
○ Plenty of other ideas like a business-focused instagram selling products
○ Influencers showing their success and selling courses
○ MUCH MORE WORK that it appears

How Much Does Instagram Pay You?

● Does instagram pay like youtube
● What does Instagram pay their creators? NOTHING! (At this point, anyway)
● If they want to grow big as a network, they’ll need to do a revenue share

The problem with the Instagrammer business model

● Doesn’t pay creators anything
● Relies solely on company contracts or sponsored posts
● Earnings by country vary widely
● No passive income component, no regular income

How Much Do Instagrammers Really Make?

● It depends.
● Analytics and engagement of Instagram audience
● @doyoutravel (2.7m Followers) reported in 2017 of making low six figures per year.
● @lyzabethlopez (1.8m followers) reported in 2017 of making $3000-$5000/post
● @hello.thalita (750k followers) makes around $1000/post.
● However, MOST influencers don’t make anywhere near this. A lot of people talk just to push campaign rates up and in many cases, the cost of a post doesn’t return the investment.
● It can work and some brands do see a return, but getting an accurate number is nearly impossible because so many factors are at play.
● The key with Instagram in my opinion is to grow beyond sponsorships, but not easy to do in every industry.

My name's Prof. Ron and my goal is to help you create passive income with online businesses and through investing. I'm not big on hype and won't promise you overnight success, but I love to introduce people to a lifestyle where they can make money online while working from home. I'm also passionate about investing and finance, so I cover that in my channel as well.

If you're interested in learning how to earn money from an online business and then where you can invest that money to make more passive income, this is the channel for you.

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