Todd, Lucy & Starr At Ferncliff GH

Описание к видео Todd, Lucy & Starr At Ferncliff GH

Todd talks to Connie about running the sun and Lucy over hears the part where Todd says he will be leaving soon. She thinks Todd has a plan to escape and she wants in on it. During a game of "snakes and ladders" Todd informs Lucy that he will help her tell everyone she is sane if in return she tells everyone that he is insane. She agrees and asks Todd to show her one of his "fake" D.I.D. alters. Starr walks in on Todd's "alter" Rodd and threatens Todd with a cassette that has him admitting that he never had D.I.D. from years ago. Starr refuses to lie for Tod because Todd was the one who knew the truth about Johnny killing Cole and Hope and said nothing.


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