Snowbreak: Realm of Illusion - Dawn Restored - Danger Level 3 (only trial and purple tier)

Описание к видео Snowbreak: Realm of Illusion - Dawn Restored - Danger Level 3 (only trial and purple tier)

Strike Battlefront: Lyfe and Eatchel (Trial Operative)

Defense Battlefront: Katya (Trial Op), Enya Exuvia, and Siris TG

Heavy Battlefront: Siris Ksana (Trial), Acacia Redacted, and Fritia LS

I used mainly the trial operatives and the purple tier with the exception of Enya Exuvia (since we got her for free; but I did not even utilixze her much) on Danger Level 3 and I did pretty well.

Most of my purple tier operatives are around M3-M5 so it might make a small difference for others who may only have their operatives at M0-M2.


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