Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast with Roisin Conaty #70

Описание к видео Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast with Roisin Conaty #70

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Richard has come close to death, choking on an apricot stone and in his possible final moments only felt embarrassment, but hopefully he has overcome the shame to interview the woman with the smallest oesophagus in showbusiness, Roisin Conaty.

They discuss the problems encountered in having 80 first cousins, the varying careers of East 17, whether it is considered cheating to have sex with a robot and anal itchiness. It’s literally got everything.

The videos of these shows are now available for FREE on iTunes and YouTube and vimeo. If you'd like to make a donation to keep these services and this show running then give a one-off or monthly sum of your choice at Or come and see Richard on tour Or sponsor a future episode, please contact richard via [email protected]


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