Abu Uwais [RahimuAllah] Taubah Is A Must In Times Of Difficulty

Описание к видео Abu Uwais [RahimuAllah] Taubah Is A Must In Times Of Difficulty

Aboo Uways Abdullaah Ahmad Alee (d.1425 H) (Rahimaullah)

One of the pioneers of ad-da'watus-salafiyyah in the West. Aboo Uways (rahimahullaah) was the Imaam of the salafee masjid, Masjid Rahmah in Newark, New Jersey, USA. After studying in Saudi Arabia, Aboo Uways migrated to England where he called to the usool of salafiyyah at a time when many were afraid to use the praiseworthy term 'salafee'. He later returned to America in the mid-nineties and was influential towards spreading salafiyyah in N. America and repelling the callers to innovation. (Taken from troid.ca)


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