What's it mean to "Go with the flow"?

Описание к видео What's it mean to "Go with the flow"?

Go with the Flow

John Bowman shared a new Freedom Message Friday Night called GO WITH THE FLOW. Do you know what it means to go with the flow?

God's processes, Patterns, Principles and Promises are true.

If you had the answer key to a test, would you use it? We know that God wants us to become like His son Jesus. He has given us the Holy Spirit to help change us from the inside out. And when we know the process, patterns, principles, and promise, we can work with them and not waste our time on things that don't matter.

How many people do you know that are legalistic and know God's word but don't show love to others? True transformation from God will display good fruit. Your fruit will actually smell good and be a sweet smelling aroma to God.

3:55 What’s the process?

There are some things that you cannot shortcut. The process is one of them. In nature, there is a process for giving life, growth and transformation. Here are three simple examples:

- A pregnant woman goes through the changes in her body for nine months and endures great pain. She gains weight, stretch marks on her skin and great hardship all for that day she will hold a beautiful baby in her arms. The baby takes time to develop. If the baby is born early, it may die or have physical problems. The woman has to trust that each day her baby is growing and developing into the gift of life that will come to her on that special day.

- Farmers understand the process of seed, time, and harvest. They take great care in preparing their fields, planting the seeds in fertile ground and making sure they are watered and cared for. They don’t see progress for some time. Month after month they stay faithful to their crops knowing that one day they will reap a harvest.

- The caterpillar slowly moves along the branches enjoying the leaves. One day, it instinctively knows to make a cocoon around its body. It waits inside as the transformation takes place and it emerges a beautiful butterfly soaring through the sky.

In the same way, God has a plan for our lives. His ultimate goal for all believers is that we be transformed into the likeness of His dear son Jesus. It takes time. We may endure trials, sufferings, and setbacks, but like the pregnant woman, the farmer and the caterpillar, if we will trust the process, we will be transformed.

Like flowing with the river, if you understand there is a process, you can navigate the challenges of life differently.

So how do you change?

10:20 Through thousands of surveys, a research group called REVEAL identified four levels of maturity among believers.

Four Levels of Spiritual Maturity:

Exploring Christ
Growing in Christ
Close to Christ
Christ Centered

The common catalyst for growth at all levels is reflection on scripture, specifically focusing on knowing Jesus.

If you had the answer key for a test, would you use it? The most effective way for you to grow to the next level is reflection on scripture.

What is Reflection on Scripture?

By definition, reflection on scripture implies a contemplative process, one of thoughtful and careful deliberation. This is a powerful experience of personal meditation that catalyzes spiritual growth. God is actually acting upon you to transform the way you think. You get a new perspective on life.

I’ve heard people say, I want to love like Jesus, or I can’t love like Jesus, he was Jesus. The truth is, if you will trust the process, His desire is for you to become more like Him. You can’t force yourself to love people more, but as you are transformed into His likeness, you will love people more. The fruit is a natural output of the process. You will reap what you sow!

Intentional or personal growth and discipleship is helping someone get from where they are to becoming more like Christ. The goal is transformation. How we get there is situational. We are all at different places in our journey. We all learn in different ways.

Along this journey we should move to greater degrees of spiritual maturity. You shouldn’t be at the same place next year as you are right now.

That journey will look different for each of us. We all have that perfect vision of what it should look like, but it is often filled with twists and turns, ups and downs, hills and valleys.

As you think about your own personal journey - the ups and downs and all arounds - can you see how you learned along the way? The good news for believers is God promises to work everything together for your good. That perspective changes everything.

21:15 The Prodigal Son is a great example of a “Pattern”

23:25 God’s Principles

25:16 God’s Promises

Want to know more? Watch the message, subscribe to the channel and keep coming back. We will help you on your journey to freedom. There is hope for you and Freedom in your future.

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