Lebensstil Kollektion Espresso Machine Review

Описание к видео Lebensstil Kollektion Espresso Machine Review

So, aku ada beli Lebensstil Kollektion Espresso machine nak buat kopi kat rumah. Kat Lazada bleh dapat RM390 untuk unit ni.. 15 bar pressure untuk extract kopi dari ground beans. Or is really 15 bar ( i am doubting this machine) Watch this video and tell me what you think..

Di USA mesin ni nama lain, Capresso EC Pro...kalau korang nak tgk review kat Youtube pasal mesin ni..

Problem with extraction with this machine that I found is that I could not get the optimum weight and time of extraction using the portafilter size. Should be 18g for double shot and extraction time 20-30second with 36g of espresso (1:2 ratio). But instead, i have been getting a quick extraction of around 5 seconds. But the crema looks golden and taste good enough. So i am sticking to my recipe that i can get with this machine. Anyone encounter the same problem?


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