"Twin Cam" Return Of The Legend!

Описание к видео "Twin Cam" Return Of The Legend!

I hope you all enjoy "Twin Cam" Return Of The Legend! In December 2015 I launched The Twincam Song and was amazed at the great response to it. I wrote the song to highlight the lack of parts available for such an iconic car. In 2022 thankfully we now have parts available and it gave me the chance to rewrite that part of the song, I also wanted to bring the song to a new level, Brian Kerrigan in Harmony recording studio certainly delievered and I am delighted with the recording. The song is on Spotify, itunes and all streaming services so share with friends and family. A special word of Thanks to Aidan Molloy for another brilliant video!
Oliver   / twincam-return-of-the-legend-single   Spotify link https://open.spotify.com/track/0eL4gG...


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