Earth Defense Force 2025 - Mission 85 - Inferno Difficulty

Описание к видео Earth Defense Force 2025 - Mission 85 - Inferno Difficulty

Class - Ranger

Lysander Z (Lv. 90) - 10 bullets, 5500 damage per, 6 second reload time, 975 meter range

Note - You'll see that suddenly the Ranger has 12,616 Armor. After attempting to record on November 29th and 30th 2013 and doing horribly, I farmed some more in mission 84 while testing various tactics until I figured one that worked consistently for me. I'll break it down in the description. This was recorded on December 7th, 2013.

Phase I - multiple weak points are close by, and they take six Lysander Z shots to destroy. This will bring down multiple sections of the ships, clearing the sky for you to see the Brain. After destroying the first, I made my way left, towards the underpass, because the overpass is indestructible. I kept popping in and out to destroy the spawning bays nearest me, and then all of the lasers nearby that were causing problems. When you deal enough damage to the Brain, it drops walkers out of the spawning bays, so I destroyed all four of them before attacking the Brain itself. It takes 25 shots to end Phase I and begin Phase II.

Phase II - All of the ships in the sky will disappear, giving you a clear view of the Brain. It is invincible at this point, so shooting it will do no damage. Wait until the next wave of ships drop, and then immediately destroy the two weak points nearest to your position. The ships have explosive blasts now, and hiding beneath the overpass won't save you, as you can take damage from the blasts. There are also purple tracking lasers that will stay on you and drain your health. I stood next to the skyscrapers while reloading to keep safe, at least until the explosive blasts destroyed them, then moved on to the next. The ships overhead move in a counterclockwise formation, so you've got to keep moving right to keep a view of the Brain while firing at it. It takes 25-30 Lysander Z shots to end Phase II. I missed a few, so I'm not exactly sure how many. 25-30 is accurate though. Phase II is the hardest part.

Phase III - Purple ships drop in a ring formation on the outskirts of the arena and deploy dragons. I hid under the overpass again, as there are no explosive blasts in this part. The purple ships will arc lightning at you, and it can get you under there, but it's relatively safe. The dragons were helpful here, as they kept dropping health for me. I would look out and fire on the circling ships, bringing them down until I was safe to peek out and shoot the Brain. It took 31 Lysander Z shots to finish it off. The EDF finally comes out in force in Phase III, but you still have to be careful and stay safe until you bring the Brain down.

Thanks to everybody for sticking it out with me. I hope it was enjoyable overall. Until the next time...

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   • Earth Defense Force 2025 Inferno Diff...  


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